Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nancy Thayer's "Beachcombers"

Nancy Thayer is the New York Times bestselling author of Moon Shell Beach, The Hot Flash Club, The Hot Flash Club Strikes Again, Hot Flash Holidays, The Hot Flash Club Chills Out, Between Husbands and Friends, and Summer House. She lives on Nantucket.

Here is Thayer's take on casting an adaptation of her new novel, Beachcombers:
What fun to cast Beachcombers as a movie!

The major parts are for young women, and there are so many brilliant young actresses. For the three sisters, I'd cast Jessica Biel, Ellen Page, and Evangeline Lilly, because they're all beautiful and accomplished and I can easily envision them as sisters who love each other and often drive one another crazy.

Marina, the "older" woman at forty who rents the sisters' playhouse-turned-cottage in the Foxes' back yard, would be played by Demi Moore. What man could resist Demi Moore in his playhouse?

The father, Jim Fox, is around 50. He's a gentle, loving father, mystified and sorrowing for his wife who died fifteen years before, so the actor would need to be capable of sweetness. Jim is also a working man, a contractor who has a boat and loves to fish. He's a bit of the strong, silent type. I'd love to see John Shea play this role. He has a house on the island, and I've seen him around town. He's the perfect mixture of manly and gentle.

Bette Midler would be fabulous as Eartha, the bawdy, wealthy, hard-drinking socialite.

And for the three young men with whom the sisters find the possibility of romance, I'd cast Josh Holloway, Matthew Fox, and Naveen Andrews from the TV series Lost. And this time Josh Holloway would get Evangeline Lilly, which he should have on Lost...wait, am I getting carried away?
Read an excerpt from Beachcombers, and learn more about the book and author at Nancy Thayer's website.

The Page 69 Test: Beachcombers.

--Marshal Zeringue